B612 - Selfie with the heart 1.2.0 APK For Android
Free Download B612 - Selfie with the heart 1.2.0 APK For Android | Kali ini saya akan share sebuah aplikasi selfie untuk android yaitu B612 Selfie with the heart, B612 adalah sebuah Aplikasi android Photo Editor yang berfungsi untuk Mengedit Tampilan jepretan dari kamera Smartphone kalian. Dengan banyak Fitur yang ditawarkan, dan Frame yang dapat kalian gunakan untuk mengedit pencahayaan Foto anda membuat tampilan foto anda lebih menarik dan sangat bagus. Bagi sobat yang mempunyai hoby selfie aplikasi B612 ini sangat cocok sekali buat anda karena dengan aplikasi ini anda akan mempunyai foto yang bagus dan keren.
- Selfie videos: Tap and hold the screen and you'll have 3 seconds to capture an unforgettable memory.
- 64 filters : Which side of yourself did you show the charming little prince? There are 64 varied filters for you to use.
- Random filter : Sometimes it feels like it can take an eternity before you find just the filter you’re looking for. Just tap the random button!
- Vignette : Both a light touch and vivid expression have their places. Use vignettes to give your photos just the right amount of flavor.
- Tilt-shift : Blur the lines of focus for a gentle touch that will bring out the true you even more.
- Silent shutter : Sssh! Take a picture silently so as not to awaken the sheep sleeping soundly in his box.
- Collage shot : Show everyone a glimpse of your universe by putting your smiles together into one photo.
- Timer : 2 Seconds, 5 Seconds... Wait in excitement until the shutter comes down!
- Selfie stick : Your beauty shines even from afar. Set your Bluetooth remote and enjoy an even more liberating photo-taking experience.
- Share : Post your pics and share easily to Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram.
What is New? :
- New filters added : Planet, Fairy-tale, Riddle, and Goodbye
- Added a feature that will automatically save photos taken to your gallery. (Can be set by going to Settings > Drawer)
- Added a feature to cancel mirror mode. (Can be set by going to Settings > Glass)
- Improved the Timer feature : Users can now switch between 2 and 5 seconds.
Cara Installasi :
- Download Fila APKnya
- Install File APKnya Sampai selesai
- Tunggu sampai selesai menginstall
- Enjoy..
Link Download :
- Download B612 | Tusefiles
- Download B612 | Usercloud
- Download B612 | Playstore
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B612 - Selfie with the heart 1.2.0 APK For Android
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